I don’t care – Emotional Labour in Relationships

The event has already happened. If you are interested, feel free to contact us via E-Mail at edu.news(at)educat-kollektiv.org. The Workshop format is also available in German.

  • Duration: 3 hours
  • What: Workshop with pauses, in English spoken language
  • With: Fine und Masha from Educat Collective

Event description

No matter how we live or love – emotional work always occurs when we enter into relationships with other people. Building, maintaining or ending relationships is not something that comes naturally. Often, all of this happens unconsciously or is not visible. The way in which emotional work is carried out and the value we give to it is different and unequally distributed in our society. Who cares and who doesn’t care?

We want to rummage around in the furthest corners of what is supposedly private, write “best practice” recipes and exchange ideas about how we want to relate to each other in a new way.

For whom is this Workshop?

For everyone who is interested in the topic and is looking for exchange and input.


If we had our way, no one would have to pay anything for education. Unfortunately, in reality this is not always possible. Because we also have to pay rent and have living expenses. That’s why we sometimes ask you for a participation fee. We know that people have different amounts of money and can pay. That’s why we have three price tiers:

  • Cheaper for everyone who can’t afford more. If this price is too much, please write to us.
  • Cost-covering for everyone for whom this is possible. If everyone pays this price, our work and expenses are fully covered.
  • For everyone who can give a little more and thus enable a solidarity financing concept.

You decide for yourself, independently from the rest of the group, which price category is best for you and you don’t have to justify it.


The event is a part of our educational program. You can find all events and the idea behind them on this page.

If you do not have time, but would like us to repeat the Workshop, please write an E-Mail to edu.news(at)educat-kollektiv.org